St Luke’s Chapel project

The Foundation is responsible for the St Luke’s Chapel on the University of Exeter’s St Luke’s Campus.

On Friday 18th October 2024, the festival of St Luke, Evangelist and Physician, a service of dedication for the newly re-ordered St Luke’s Chapel on the St Luke’s Campus of the University of Exeter was held, with the Rt Revd James Grier, Bishop of Plymouth, officiating.

The chapel has undergone a significant re-ordering for the benefit and use of the whole campus community and has been generously funded by the University of Exeter and the St Luke’s College Foundation, which leases the chapel from the University and, with the Diocese of Exeter, sponsors the Anglican Chaplaincy at both the St Luke’s and Streatham campuses. Bishop James, quoting some words from Anton Bruckner which were sung by the University’s magnificent Chapel Choir during the service, described the chapel as ‘a priceless sacrament…it is without reproach.’

The Bishop dedicated each part of the chapel, including its refurbished altar, and spoke powerfully of his hope that the chapel would be a place of peace and healing for all who cross its threshold, and that it would stand as a witness to the whole community for generation after generation of the enduring love, welcome and faithfulness of God.

Revd Hannah Alderson, the Lazenby Chaplain at the University, led prayers of intercession, and especially for the Schools of Medicine, Education and Sports Science which are located on the St Luke’s Campus. The Chaplaincy Team laid symbols upon the altar which reflected these disciplines – a stethoscope for Medicine, a Children’s book for Education and a football for Sports Science.

Afterwards, the Chair of Trustees of the St Luke’s College Foundation, the Revd Professor Gina Radford, offered sincere thanks to all those involved in bringing the project to its glorious fruition, and to the University for its collaboration.