St Luke’s Chapel project

The Foundation is responsible for the St Luke’s Chapel on the University of Exeter’s St Luke’s Campus. On Friday 18th October 2024, the festival of St Luke, Evangelist and Physician, a service of dedication for the newly re-ordered St Luke’s Chapel on the St Luke’s Campus of the University of Exeter was held, with the Rt Revd James Grier, Bishop of Plymouth, officiating. The chapel has undergone a significant re-ordering for the benefit and use of the whole campus community and has been generously funded by the University of Exeter and the St Luke’s College Foundation, which leases the chapel from the University and, with the Diocese of Exeter, sponsors the Anglican Chaplaincy at both the St Luke’s and Streatham […]

St Luke’s/Farmington Scholarship

St Luke’s-Farmington Scholarships are awarded jointly by the St Luke’s College Foundation and the Farmington Institute.  During the period of the Scholarship regular tutorials are held, either at the University of Exeter or with a locally appointed Farmington supervisor.   The Scholarships are for teachers of Religious Education or associated subjects currently teaching in secondary schools, and primary school RE co-ordinators or other primary school teachers involved in teaching RE, who are located in the South-West region of England. Further information about the scholarships, including the application process, can be found on the Farmington website. (

News about awards

Applications for awards Application packs for 2025 awards, available until 10th April 2025, will be sent on request – see the Contacts page for details of how to contact the Foundation. When requesting a pack please provide a brief outline of your proposed study and a postal address. Note: awards are only made to UK based students studying at UK institutions of Higher Education for a post-graduate qualification. The Foundation does not normally make awards to international students. Please note that for the 2025 round of awards, Trustees wish to encourage applications for studies in Practical Theology and also for studies linked to the teaching of RE in school. Completed applications for 2025 awards must be submitted by 1st May […]

Old website now retired

The Foundation’s old website at has now been retired. Please use the new website here at from now on.