
Origin and status

The St Luke’s College Foundation is a Charity regulated by the Charity Commission under a Scheme sealed on 17 February 1977, Charity Number 306606.

Until the mid -1970s, the Church of England was active in the education and training of teachers. St Luke’s College at Exeter had a long and distinguished record as a teacher training college. When it closed in 1976, the College premises were sold, and the proceeds were applied to endow a new grant-making trust: the St Luke’s College Foundation.

The Foundation is one of a number of similar charities, which had their origin in the closure of church colleges. They are members of the Association of Church College Trusts, of which more details can be found at www.cstg.org.uk .

The Foundation is not a College and it does not provide courses; nor does it engage in fund-raising. The Trustees apply the income arising from the Endowment to fulfil the Object of the charity.

The Foundation’s objectives

The object

  1. The Object, as stated in the charitable Scheme, is as follows:
    1. The object of the Foundation shall be the advancement of higher and further education in one or more of the following ways:
    2. the provision and conduct in accordance with the doctrines, rites and practices of the Church of England of a chapel and a chaplaincy providing for religious worship, care and instruction;
    3. the promotion of religious education (including the training of ministers of religion) by the provision, or assistance in the provision, of instruction, classes, lectures, books, libraries and reading rooms.
    4. the granting of financial assistance to institutions of higher or further education established for charitable purposes only; and
    5. such other ways as the Trustees may from time to time determine.
  2. In furthering the object of the Foundation, the Trustees shall have regard to:
    1. the advancement of education in accordance with the doctrines of the Church of England; and
    2. the needs of students undergoing training as teachers, particularly of those who are members of the University.

The Trustees have agreed the following policies in order to fulfil the Object:

Charitable objectives

The Trustees pursue the Object of the Foundation by maintaining the St Luke’s Chapel and by making provision for Anglican Chaplaincy at the University of Exeter.

The Trustees consider that within the region there should be a lively, high quality and flexible provision for theological and religious education. The former provides for the needs of those who serve the churches, whether lay or ordained; the latter focuses on religious education in schools and further education and the training of teachers for this.

Grant making

The Trustees also make Personal Awards to individuals following university-level studies or research in Theology and Religious Education; and make Corporate Awards to universities and similar institutions to enable them to develop or enhance their provision in these fields. These Awards may be granted for up to three years. Please refer to the section on awards for further details of the scope and type of grants made, whether you would be eligible, and how to apply.


The Foundation no longer owns Freehold Property. Its Capital Fund is invested with CCLA Investment Management Limited, in CBF Units. The investment objective is to maximise income whilst seeking appreciation in capital values over the years at least in line with inflation.

The conduct of the Foundation

The Trustees meet twice yearly. They review policy, receive and respond to reports from their investment advisers, and review financial statements. They allocate grants on the recommendations of a small group of Trustees (the Scrutineers), elected in rotation.

Within the policies laid down, the day to day management of the Foundation is delegated to the Director, to whom all correspondence should be addressed. Please see the Contact section for full details.


  • St Luke’s Chapel project

    The Foundation is responsible for the St Luke’s Chapel on the University of Exeter’s St Luke’s Campus.

    On Friday 18th October 2024, the festival of St Luke, Evangelist and Physician, a service of dedication for the newly re-ordered St Luke’s Chapel on the St Luke’s Campus of the University of Exeter was held, with the Rt Revd James Grier, Bishop of Plymouth, officiating.

    The chapel has undergone a significant re-ordering for the benefit and use of the whole campus community and has been generously funded by the University of Exeter and the St Luke’s College Foundation, which leases the chapel from the University and, with the Diocese of Exeter, sponsors the Anglican Chaplaincy at both the St Luke’s and Streatham campuses. Bishop James, quoting some words from Anton Bruckner which were sung by the University’s magnificent Chapel Choir during the service, described the chapel as ‘a priceless sacrament…it is without reproach.’

    The Bishop dedicated each part of the chapel, including its refurbished altar, and spoke powerfully of his hope that the chapel would be a place of peace and healing for all who cross its threshold, and that it would stand as a witness to the whole community for generation after generation of the enduring love, welcome and faithfulness of God.

    Revd Hannah Alderson, the Lazenby Chaplain at the University, led prayers of intercession, and especially for the Schools of Medicine, Education and Sports Science which are located on the St Luke’s Campus. The Chaplaincy Team laid symbols upon the altar which reflected these disciplines – a stethoscope for Medicine, a Children’s book for Education and a football for Sports Science.

    Afterwards, the Chair of Trustees of the St Luke’s College Foundation, the Revd Professor Gina Radford, offered sincere thanks to all those involved in bringing the project to its glorious fruition, and to the University for its collaboration.

  • St Luke’s/Farmington Scholarship

    St Luke’s-Farmington Scholarships are awarded jointly by the St Luke’s College Foundation and the Farmington Institute.  During the period of the Scholarship regular tutorials are held, either at the University of Exeter or with a locally appointed Farmington supervisor.   The Scholarships are for teachers of Religious Education or associated subjects currently teaching in secondary schools, and primary school RE co-ordinators or other primary school teachers involved in teaching RE, who are located in the South-West region of England.

    Further information about the scholarships, including the application process, can be found on the Farmington website. (https://farmington.ac.uk/re-teachers/)

  • News about awards

    Applications for awards

    Application packs for 2025 awards, available until 10th April 2025, will be sent on request – see the Contacts page for details of how to contact the Foundation.

    When requesting a pack please provide a brief outline of your proposed study and a postal address. Note: awards are only made to UK based students studying at UK institutions of Higher Education for a post-graduate qualification. The Foundation does not normally make awards to international students.

    Please note that for the 2025 round of awards, Trustees wish to encourage applications for studies in Practical Theology and also for studies linked to the teaching of RE in school.

    Completed applications for 2025 awards must be submitted by 1st May 2025. In view of the time taken to put an application together, Application Packs will not be sent out after 10th April 2025. Awards will be announced at the end of June 2025 and are tenable from September 2025.

    PGCE Secondary RE

    The Foundation will not be making awards to PGCE Secondary RE students in 2025.

  • Old website now retired

    The Foundation’s old website at www.st-lukes-foundation.org.uk has now been retired. Please use the new website here at StLukesCF.org.uk from now on.